Grid Legends builds on the 2019 release of Grid, and it does some things fantastically
and some things dull”ish”, what do I mean? In all fairness Codemasters have lately
been on a roll when it comes to Racing games, from the brilliant F1 series to
the Dirt series to (in my opinion) a good reboot of Grid (2019). Grid Legends follows
the path of good racing as seen in the previous installment and improves upon that.
While Grid Legends expands on what we saw in Grid (2019) with a ton of cars, more locations
with different layouts, and a fun cheesy story mode (totally worth playing),
overall it left me wanting a bit more out of the game from the get go..
What do I mean? even though there are more locations than ever with variations, it would
have been fun to see even more locations, maybe even take the racing a bit off track
for the truck classes that are in the game, we’re trying to become Legends after all right?
And maybe the other thing that I was left wanting, would have been taking the Nemesis system
a bit further.. But I’m not disappointed at all with the end result.
So don’t get me wrong. I am totally happy with the amount of things there is to do already
in Grid Legends, It will have You and Me still spend plenty of hours to finish everything
there is in the game so far, and I’m pretty sure we can expect some more goodies added
as time passes.
So for the good things I spoke about ;
What you are in for is a bit of a treat overall in all honesty, I said the Story mode is
totally worth playing, and I stand behind that.. even if the acting in some sense could
be called cheesy, it takes a loan from Netflix’s drive to survive kind of angles,
filmed over shoulder occasionally trying to be sneaky catching a glint to hear what’s said
and the drama between the teams, including of course as anyone would expect plot twists
on the way.. So over the course of 36 chapters, you’ll be racing for Seneca to become a
Grid Legend, and I do think you will find the story mode rather fun once you’ve finished it.
Kudos to Codemasters for putting the story mode into the game, to give additional value
to the whole package, I give a thumb up for this service.
More good things? Like I said there is a ton of locations and variations of the tracks,
and that you will be spending hours upon hours in the career mode to Finish everything.
There is a total of 22 Locations, from San Fransisco to London to Yokohama; so you will
be racing practically around the globe, and these tracks do come with a total of 137
variations/layouts (if I counted that correctly with my old head),
and from all the classes you can pick from (Electrical, Trucks, Drifting)
mentioning the new classes, to all the classic classes that you know about GT, Touring etc.
These classes feature more than a 120 different cars so far.. so you are sure to find
a car that you love and know..
If you want to be more outrageous than what the game offers straight up for you, Legends
also comes with a Race Creator so you can mix and match classes layouts locations weather
specifically up to just as you want it, be it regular Circuit racing or a Elimination race..
you pick, you choose, you race.
Before I forget I have to give the music in game, a special mention and a thumbs up.
The picks for tracks, got nailed right on the head and normally I do go to the options
and turn off the music in game, but this time around I felt like nope, I’m going to
leave it on as it gave a good feeling and that extra heart bump in the heat of racing.
Online is a big part of the game besides the Career, and you can part take in Quick Races,
or even a dedicated session with your friends, so you are bound to have some fun moments
in there as well. What I’ve tried out of the online racing so far, I have not noticed
any issues, so that’s a good start to things, (me being cynical and thinking about
usually online modes how they work) but no such negative issues here.
I’ve been playing the game on PC, and besides 1 odd bug relating to using the rewind
feature in game, I’ve not come across anything that I would describe as game breaking,
not even a crash to windows, so for that I’ll give solid points on how the game is built.
It is though quite resource heavy, compared to Grid 2019, but that is to be expected
we are in 2022 after all, and Graphics have gone forward since then..
Playing on an i5-9600k and a Nvidia 3070 (8GB) with 16GB of memory, garnered I would
say an average of around 100-110fps in game (Playing at 3440×1440) with HDR enabled.
It’s a smooth experience, and loading times are fast (assuming you have an NVME ssd)
I’ve included above a plenthora of Screenshots from in game, and the menus to give
you an understanding of all the options / choices there are in game.. as well some
Racing action.

So.. what now?
Final word; GRID Legends, is a worthy successor to Grid (2019) with a cheesy story
mode, with plenty of locations, cars, multiplayer, A race creator that will give
you tons of playability, replay ability, online ability.. Yes, I just did that.
And I believe you will have a fun time playing the game. Go and become a Legend
it’s totally worth it.

- Locations / Layouts
- Cars and Classes
- Gorgeous Graphics and Music
- So much to do (You will spend hours upon hours)
- We always need more locations and cars
- Nemesis system could do with more of a kick to it